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Society & Culture

This Week Around Iran

November 11, 2013
Shawn Amoei
3 min read
This Week Around Iran
This Week Around Iran

This Week Around Iran

This week in Iran’s provinces, violence continues in Sistan-Baluchestan, Gilaki returns to Gilan, police in Hormozgan issue arrests report, a rare ancient object is discovered in Fars, the body of slain commander is returned to Kerman for burial, and Iran’s oldest man dies at 122.

Rasht City Council Adopts Gilaki Language

The Rasht City Council approved a measure on last week that requires all city government business to henceforth be conducted in the Gilaki language. Council President Esmaeil Hajipour introduced the resolution and expressed concern that increasing numbers of young people in Gilan Province can no longer speak Gilaki, despite exposure to the regional language by older family members. “Gilaki is among a number of native languages in this country that is under threat and councilmembers want to preserve it from rapidly fading away,” Hajipour said. 

Sunni Militants Assassinate Zabol Prosecutor

Zabol prosecutor Mousa Nouri and his driver were killed in a barrage of gunfire as they headed to work last week. The Sunni militant group Jaish ul-Adl claimed responsibility for the assassination, which came just two weeks after the group ambushed Iranian border guards in Sistan-Baluchestan province, killing 14. A day later provincial authorities ordered the execution of 16 Baluchi death-row inmates in retaliation. In its statement claiming responsibility, the Sunni group said video of the assassination would soon be released and offered a 100-million toman reward for the killing of Zahedan’s prosecutor.

Iran’s Oldest Man Dies at 122

A 122-year-old man from the village of Beit Mashloush in Khuzestan’s Shush County died of natural causes this week. Adai Abdolkhani, born in 1892, lived most of his life as a shepherd. He left behind three daughters, five sons, and more than 150 descendants, the oldest of whom is 90 and the youngest two months of age. Relatives attribute his longevity to frequent long walks and a diet heavy in dairy products, especially milk. 

Funeral Held for Guards Commander Killed in Syria

A funeral has been held in Kerman for Brigadier General Mohammad Jamali, a Revolutionary Guards commander killed during an attack by rebel forces in Syria. Botia News, a website close to Kerman’s Revolutionary Guards, criticized provincial news agencies for their extensive coverage of the funeral. Part of the criticism centered around the impression allegedly made on foreign media that Jamali was conducting military operations in Syria, a charge Iran strongly denies. A spokesman for the Revolutionary Guards reiterated the government’s official stance that Iran’s role in Syria is strictly advisory and insisted that Jamali entered Syria as a volunteer to defend the Shia shrine of Zainab near Damascus. His funeral was attended by top-ranking members of the Guards’ elite Qods Force, the special unit responsible for foreign operations.

Ancient Clay Bowl Found in Fars

The Cultural Heritage Protection Agency of Fars Province announced the discovery of a clay bowl this week that experts say dates back to some time in the first millennium BC. Speaking to Shirazeh News, Mohammad Safari said, “This historic object was discovered during the arrest of an antique smuggler.” The mouth of the object is roughly 10 centimeters in diameter, six centimeters in height and made of red clay. 

Hormozgan Police Boast of Mass Arrests in New Report

In an interview with ISNA, Hormozgan Police Chief Bahram Azizi said, “during the initial seven months of this year, intelligence and security forces carried out 132 operations aimed at promoting security in the province, resulting in 13,358 arrests.” Azizi did not specify how many of the arrests were in connection with street protests against a proposed plan to partition the province. News of the plan met with widespread protests by local residents, leading to the arrest of many demonstrators and a number of prominent local figures. Representative Mansour Arami strongly criticized the crackdown in a speech to parliament and demanded accountability. Police chief Azizi however failed to address issues relating to the protest in an official report released by his office this week, listing instead the elimination or seizure of thousands of items of “unauthorized” clothing, pyrotechnic devices, satellite dishes, hookahs, Satanic signs, as well large quantities of narcotics and alcohol.


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Speaking of Iran
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