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The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave

December 19, 2018
1 min read
The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave
The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave
The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave
The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave
The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave
The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave
The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave
The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave
The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave
The Wonderful Sahvalan Water Cave

Sahvalan near the Kurdish city of Mahabad in the province of West Azerbaijan is the second biggest water cave in Iran. The name means “frost” in Kurdish, though the locals often call it Pigeon’s Nest because of the many pigeons that nest inside the cave.

Sahvalan is one of the most picturesque caves in Iran — and the world — and it has featured on Iran’s Natural Heritage List since 2000. The cave is located at an altitude of 2,222 meters above sea level and extends over two hectares. The roof of the cave reaches to 50 meters above the lake, which is 30 meters deep in some places.

But the attraction of Sahvalan Cave is not limited to its natural features and its geological wonders. Thousands of years ago, humans lived in the cave, and excavators have found tiles to confirm the settlement. Pottery pieces discovered in the cave go back to the Parthian Empire (247 BC-224 AD).


Photos: Reza Adeli for Tasnim News Agency


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