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Tehran Can't Breathe

November 30, 2016
1 min read
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe
Tehran Can't Breathe

At the end of last week, Tehran was welcoming snow, a brief interruption to the devastating levels of pollution that had paralyzed the city for close to two weeks. But just three days later, residents of the capital were back to breathing in dangerous smog.

It didn't help, either, that a senior official from the Environmental Protection Agency seemed to be busier trying to silence complaints than he was trying to solve the problem. Saeed Mottasedi, the agency's vice president, said complaints about air quality amounted to "counter-revolutionary" behavior, and urged people not to give Iran's enemies ammunition for criticism. 

Iranian Labour News agency 


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