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۲۴ کشور در ۱۲ ماه

۱۹ آبان ۱۳۹۴
Green Lakes of Vilnius, Lithuania
Green Lakes of Vilnius, Lithuania
The Green Vilnius, Lithuania
The Green Vilnius, Lithuania
A deep blue day in Warsaw
A deep blue day in Warsaw
A sunset from Gellért Hill in Budapest
A sunset from Gellért Hill in Budapest
Grand Place, Brussels
Grand Place, Brussels
Meteor Showers in Uitdammerdijk, Netherlands
Meteor Showers in Uitdammerdijk, Netherlands
John Lennon Wall, Prague
John Lennon Wall, Prague
Colosseum in Rome
Colosseum in Rome
Vatican City, Italy
Vatican City, Italy
Mont Salève, Geneva
Mont Salève, Geneva
Sagrada Família in Barcelona
Sagrada Família in Barcelona
Brandenburg Gate Berlin
Brandenburg Gate Berlin
Trem Peak of Suva Planina
Trem Peak of Suva Planina
Kotor from the Castle Of San Giovanni
Kotor from the Castle Of San Giovanni
At Vošac Peak
At Vošac Peak
Inside the caves of Plitvice Lakes National Park
Inside the caves of Plitvice Lakes National Park
Lake Bled from the top
Lake Bled from the top
Krems, Austria
Krems, Austria
Houses of Cards, Amsterdam
Houses of Cards, Amsterdam
An evening at docks of Split
An evening at docks of Split
Plitvice Lakes
Plitvice Lakes
Eiffel Tower at Night
Eiffel Tower at Night
Lake Skadar from the top
Lake Skadar from the top
Aurora Borealis at Finnish Border
Aurora Borealis at Finnish Border

عبدالله یک علاقه‌مند به سفر و عکاسی مجموعه جالبی از سفرش به ۲۴ کشور دنیا در ۱۲ ماه را منتشر کرده است. او قصد خود را از انتشار این تصاویر تشویق مردم به رها شدن از زندگی روزمره و کشف جهان پیرامون خود می داند. 

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