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Special Features

Khamenei Finally Announces the Fight Against Coronavirus Must Take Priority

October 26, 2020
Pouyan Khoshhal
4 min read
Strict restrictions will be imposed in 43 Iranian cities in a red state of alert
Strict restrictions will be imposed in 43 Iranian cities in a red state of alert

Finally, eight months after the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, and amid a tremendous, unprecedented number of infections and fatalities in recent weeks, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei met with the National Coronavirus Taskforce in person toward the end of October. Khamenei called for “decisive government action” and stricter penalties for people who violate public health protocols. "The main priority in decision-making is the people's health,” he said. Despite these bold claims, no dramatic decisions emerged from the meeting, and they very much resembled what was discussed during the meeting on October 22. Khamenei offered some general advice for fighting the epidemic and also spent time admonishing members of the parliament who had been critical of President Rouhani.

Over the last few weeks one of the biggest issues facing the taskforce has been how to implement its decisions, and how to guarantee that they will be executed. It emerged that the taskforce will appoint a new “operations director” to address the issue. Announcing that this director would be appointed soon, government spokesman Ali Rabiei said he would be responsible for “supporting, coordinating, following up and accurate execution of decisions approved by the National Coronavirus taskforce.”

Other measures approved and discussed during the October 24 meeting concerned government employees in Tehran province working remotely. Starting on Monday, October 26, it was decided that 50 percent of employees would work remotely and 50 percent would work in offices, and the groups would alternate days. It was also decided that strict restrictions would be imposed in 43 cities still on a red state of alert for a week, subject to extension for an additional week if necessary.

In recent days coronavirus fatalities have exceeded 300 per day. It has also been predicted that increasing air pollution in metropolitan areas will drive this number upward by up to 15 percent.

“Studies conducted in China, Italy and many other parts of the world show that air pollution and especially the increase in aerosol particles will lead to an increase in infections and deaths from coronavirus and make the condition of the patient worse,” said Abbas Shahsavani, director of the Health Ministry’s Air Safety and Climate Change Workgroup.

According to Shahsavani, domestic studies during the first and second peaks of coronavirus in Iran also confirm that there is a direct relation between the increase in air pollution and the surge in coronavirus fatalities. “Based on a study that we conducted, we found that coronavirus deaths increase up to six percent from aerosol particles, up to seven percent because of ozone problems and up to 15 percent from nitrogen dioxide,” he reported. “However, in countries such as China and Italy much higher numbers have been reported.”


Provinces Round-up

“We do not want to close down Tehran,” said General Hossein Rahimi, commander of greater Tehran’s police, but “three days ago we started taking more severe actions against violators,” referring to members of the public who refuse to adhere to health protocols and guidelines. He announced that if there is more than one passenger in a car, be it a private car or a taxi, everyone must wear masks; otherwise, both the driver and the passengers will have to pay fines.

Individuals who do not comply with health protocols or who hold religious ceremonies will be required to carry out a public service or serve in coronavirus hospital wards for free, announced Rahim Ostadi, head of the Justice Department of Hashtrood, a city in East Azerbaijan province. He reported that since the outbreak of coronavirus in the city, 19 cases of “threatening public health” and 16 cases of “coronavirus violations” have been opened. Of these, five are still open and going through court but the rest have been closed after disciplinary verdicts or payment of fines.

In the last 24 hours, 112 new patients were hospitalized in Kermanshah, bringing the total number of current hospitalizations in the province to 768, reported Mehdi Mohammadi, an official with Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. Of these hospitalized patients, 131 are in ICU wards and 33 are connected to ventilators. And, with the death of seven Covid-19 patients, the total death toll in this province has reached 800.

Currently 1,304 Covid-19 patients are hospitalized in West Azerbaijan province, reported the West Azerbaijan Coronavirus Taskforce. The highest number, 81, are hospitalized in the provincial capital of Urmia, followed by Khoy with 44, Bukan with 44 and Mahabad with 16. The number of Covid-19 patients in ICUs has reached 236, of whom 78 are connected to ventilators.


Iran’s Latest Coronavirus Statistics

In her daily briefing for October 24, the health ministry spokeswoman Dr. Sima Sadat Lari announced the official coronavirus statistics for the last 24 hours:

Khamenei Finally Announces the Fight Against Coronavirus Must Take Priority

Dr. Lari also reported that all 31 Iranian provinces are in red, orange or yellow states of alert.

Khamenei Finally Announces the Fight Against Coronavirus Must Take Priority


This is part of IranWire's coronavirus chronology. Read the full chronology


Special Features

Weekly Khamenei Report: Love for Vigilantes and Hatred of Peace with Israel

October 25, 2020
Aida Ghajar
10 min read
Weekly Khamenei Report: Love for Vigilantes and Hatred of Peace with Israel