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My Stealthy Freedom, Part 12: Why Stealthy Freedom?

January 7, 2016
Ala Mohseni
7 min read
My Stealthy Freedom, Part 12: Why Stealthy Freedom?
My Stealthy Freedom, Part 12: Why Stealthy Freedom?

How can freedom be stealthy? Many critics of the My Stealthy Freedom Facebook page have been asking this question since it was founded. They have questioned the rationale for the page, arguing that “stealthy freedom” is an oxymoron.

In this episode of the My Stealthy Freedom documentary, Masih Alinejad responds to the criticism and explains why she chose this name for the movement.

It is the 12th and the last episode of the complete documentary, which will be put together the same way the My Stealthy Freedom Facebook page took shape – through the engagement of its audience. If you’d like to take part in the next series of the documentary, we would love to hear from you. You can reach us on

For now, this chapter is closed. But the stories of stealthy freedoms continue.

My Stealthy Freedom Documentary; Part 12: Why Stealthy Freedom? from Vimeo on Vimeo.

Watch all the episodes of My Stealthy Freedom Documentary:

My Stealthy Freedom, Part 1: A Page Is Born

My Stealthy Freedom, Part 2: My Stealthy Freedom Takes Flight

My Stealthy Freedom Documentary, Part 3: Isfahan Acid Attacks

My Stealthy Freedom, Part 4: The Threats Begin

My Stealthy Freedom, Part 5: My Password, Pouyan

My Stealthy Freedom, Part 6: The Threats Intensify

My Stealthy Freedom, Part 7: The Roots

My Stealthy Freedom, Part 8: Roots 2

My Stealthy Freedom, Part 9: The Ugly Duckling

My Stealthy Freedom, Part 10: She Is Not Alone

My Stealthy Freedom Documentary; Part 11: The Companion



Making Dreams Come True: The Little Rascals of Iran

January 7, 2016
Shima Shahrabi
6 min read
Making Dreams Come True: The Little Rascals of Iran