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Speaking of Iran

New executive order bans travelers from six Muslim-majority countries applying for visas

March 6, 2017
Speaking of Iran
New executive order bans travelers from six Muslim-majority countries applying for visas

Washington Post

By David Nakamura

President Trump is preparing to sign a new executive order Monday that White House officials hope can withstand legal scrutiny in imposing a 90-day ban on U.S. entry for new visa seekers from six majority-Muslim nations, according to a fact sheet the administration sent to Congress.

In addition, the nation’s refu­gee program will be suspended for 120 days, and it will not accept more than 50,000 refugees in a year, down from the 110,000 cap set by the Obama administration.

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Ahmadinejad Opens a Twitter Account: I Vant To Be De Perezident Agein

March 6, 2017
Mana Neyestani
Ahmadinejad Opens a Twitter Account: I Vant To Be De Perezident Agein