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Speaking of Iran

A History of What Works with Iran

February 14, 2017
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
A History of What Works with Iran

The Cipher Brief

By Michael J. Morell

The Trump Administration is correct that the U.S. should focus on the significant threat posed by Iran’s misbehavior in the Middle East. Luckily, history provides a guide on how we can change that behavior.

Some say that the threat from Iran’s malign behavior is overstated. Some say that the malign behavior itself is overstated. Not so. Just look at the facts.

The Iranians have two objectives in the Middle East. The first is to become the hegemonic power in the region. Tehran wants the ability to influence the policies of the other states. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei often makes reference to Iran’s desire for hegemony. In a 2015 speech, an advisor to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said “All of the Middle East is Iranian....My country plans to establish an Iranian federation in the region.”


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Iranian Master Honored at Grammys

February 14, 2017
Iranwire videos
Iranian Master Honored at Grammys