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Speaking of Iran

How Trump Can Strengthen US Leverage Against Iran

December 2, 2016
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
How Trump Can Strengthen US Leverage Against Iran

The Diplomat

By Aaron Arnold


Before trashing the Iran deal — the agreement inked last fall, which limits Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief — the incoming Trump administration should consider how a policy of soft economic engagement with Tehran could provide Washington with strategic leverage and increased bargaining power in a post-Iran deal world.

Throughout his campaign, now President-elect Trump attacked the Iran deal, claiming that “it will go down in history as one of the worst deals ever negotiated.” The future of the deal now seems to be far less certain, as Trump fills key positions with outspoken critics of the agreement. Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-KS), Trump’s recent pick for CIA director, is well-known for his hardline stance on the deal, recently noting that it should be “rolled back.”


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Speaking of Iran

Donald Trump must keep Sunni allies onside and shun Iran to show he is serious about Isil

December 2, 2016
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Donald Trump must keep Sunni allies onside and shun Iran to show he is serious about Isil