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Speaking of Iran

President Trump and the Art of the Iran Nuclear Deal

November 23, 2016
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
President Trump and the Art of the Iran Nuclear Deal


Crisis group


President-Elect Donald J. Trump’s foreign policy direction remains uncertain, but his campaign rhetoric has cast doubt on the future of the successful multilateral nuclear accord with Iran. The co-signatories with the U.S. - China, France, Germany, Russia and the UK - can take action now to help save it.

Much remains uncertain about the foreign policy direction President-Elect Donald J. Trump will take, but his rhetoric on the campaign trail, as well as the Iran-regime-change stance of some of his first appointees, raise concerns for the viability of the nuclear accord with Iran. Its demise would reignite a crisis that could dominate his presidency, deepen tensions in a tumultuous region and deal a hard-to-reverse blow to multilateral diplomacy. Others with a stake in preserving the agreement, particularly the remainder of the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia and the UK) which, with the Obama administration, negotiated the deal, should hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

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Punishment for Brothers on Hunger Strike

November 22, 2016
2 min read
Punishment for Brothers on Hunger Strike