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Speaking of Iran

ON THE RECORD What’s next for the Iran deal?

November 11, 2016
Speaking of Iran
ON THE RECORD What’s next for the Iran deal?

Energy Policy

By Richard Nephew


Even before news sites were able to call the election in favor of Donald Trump, folks were beginning to think about what he might do with respect to the Iran nuclear deal if returns continued going in his favor. At the time, I indicated what I still believe now: that, in all probability, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is dead in a Trump Administration.

This has drawn some outrage from Iran deal proponents – though, interestingly enough, no disagreement from Iran deal opponents and skeptics – for its excessive sense of fatalism.


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Iranian Conservative Economist: After Victory, Trump Sounds More Rational

November 11, 2016
Shima Shahrabi
3 min read
Iranian Conservative Economist: After Victory, Trump Sounds More Rational