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Speaking of Iran

Stop Thinking 'Reformers Versus Conservatives' in Iran

March 9, 2016
Speaking of Iran
Stop Thinking 'Reformers Versus Conservatives' in Iran
Stop Thinking 'Reformers Versus Conservatives' in Iran


By Marc Champion


The rest of the world may be confused, but for Tehran's business community and cafe-loving urbanites, it's pretty clear who won Iran's recent parliamentary election: They did.

And judging by the mood among hard-line legislators in Iran's parliament on Monday, they know they lost. A series of outgoing conservative legislators took the podium to complain, either about the election (one alleged fraud), or President Hassan Rouhani's economic policies ("Our Islamic Revolution may be damaged," warned another).


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Iranian Missiles Target Israel…and Rouhani’s Trade Deals

March 9, 2016
Reza HaghighatNejad
3 min read
Iranian Missiles Target Israel…and Rouhani’s Trade Deals