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Speaking of Iran

The Iran-Saudi Conflict

February 22, 2016
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
The Iran-Saudi Conflict
The Iran-Saudi Conflict



The heightening of tensions between Riyadh and Tehran has become a significant factor in the regional politics of the Middle East. While the cold war between Iran and Saudi Arabia is certainly not a new phenomenon, the recent execution of Sheikh Nimr by the Kingdom, the storming of the Saudi Embassy in Iran, and the end to formal diplomatic ties between the two countries signals a more dangerous chapter in the regional conflict. What are the perspectives from Iran and Saudi Arabia on the rising tensions? How do they view each other’s regional intentions and foreign policies? And, what steps can be taken to mitigate the conflict? To answer these questions, the Iran Project, led by Payam Mohseni, has solicited two pieces to provide us with vantage points representing how Iran and Saudi Arabia respectively view each other. Below, we are delighted to highlight HRH Abdulmajeed AlSaud’s article on behalf of the Saudi perspective, and Ambassador Seyed Hossein Mousavian and Mehrdad Saberi’s article on the Iranian perspective.


Link to the article



To be a dog in Iran

February 21, 2016
Mana Neyestani
To be a dog in Iran