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Speaking of Iran

Ten Ways on How Not To Think About the Iran/Saudi Conflict

January 11, 2016
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Ten Ways on How Not To Think About the Iran/Saudi Conflict
Ten Ways on How Not To Think About the Iran/Saudi Conflict



In the last few days, virtually every news outlet has featured a series of stories on the rising tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The conflict by now is well-known: Saudi Arabia executed 47 people, including Shi‘i cleric Nimr al-Nimr. While both Iran and Saudi Arabia are among the worst global executioners of dissidents, the sheer size of these executions was rare even by their gruesome standards. Iran retaliated through bombastic rhetoric, stating, “God’s hand of retaliation will grip the neck of Saudi politicians.” The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations, a tension that has rippled across the region.


Link to the article



The men who sold the world: why I'm David Bowie's biggest Iranian fan

January 11, 2016
Maziar Bahari
2 min read
The men who sold the world: why I'm David Bowie's biggest Iranian fan