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Speaking of Iran

Iran's Man in New York is Hunting for Billions of Dollars

October 27, 2015
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Iran's Man in New York is Hunting for Billions of Dollars
Iran's Man in New York is Hunting for Billions of Dollars




Iran, by its own admission, needs $150 billion of investment annually for many years ahead to repair the damage from a decade of isolation. That’s a tall order for a country that, even when sanctions are finally lifted, will still be an opaque and scary place to most foreign investors.

Enter Hamid Biglari. University-educated, ex-Citigroup banker who learned the trade under the tutelage of Robert Rubin and Sandy Weill -- may have no official role, but by all accounts he’s President Hassan Rouhani’s go-to guy in New York financial circles. Biglari brings together investors and Iranian power brokers, at conferences or private meetings, as he pushes to drum up interest in his homeland. He had left Iran as a student a couple years before the 1979 revolution and wouldn’t return, not even for a visit, until the reformist Rouhani’s election some three decades later. Yet in a sign of his expanding influence now in Tehran, Biglari receives invitations to address the central bank there. In conversations, Biglari quickly makes clear he is aware of the magnitude of the current challenge.


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Iran’s Vicious circle of Power

October 26, 2015
Roland Elliott Brown
2 min read
Iran’s Vicious circle of Power