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Speaking of Iran

The Iran Deal: An Epochal Moment that Congress shouldn’t Squander

August 24, 2015
Speaking of Iran
The Iran Deal: An Epochal Moment that Congress shouldn’t Squander
The Iran Deal: An Epochal Moment that Congress shouldn’t Squander



Congress again faces a momentous decision regarding U.S. policy toward the Middle East. The forthcoming vote on the nuclear deal between the P5+1 and Iran (known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA) will show the world whether the United States has the will and sense of responsibility to help stabilize the Middle East, or whether it will contribute to further turmoil, including the possible spread of nuclear weapons. Strong words perhaps, but clear language is helpful in the cacophony of today’s media.


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Speaking of Iran

Smeared by Iran’s State-Run Media: A Journal Reporter’s Story

August 24, 2015
Speaking of Iran
Smeared by Iran’s State-Run Media: A Journal Reporter’s Story