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Speaking of Iran

Israel’s Cartoon Diplomacy Equates Iran and Islamic State

July 1, 2015
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Israel’s Cartoon Diplomacy Equates Iran and Islamic State
Israel’s Cartoon Diplomacy Equates Iran and Islamic State



Apparently undeterred by the backlash over its last venture into cartoon diplomacy, Israel’s government released an animated video on Tuesday that equates the threat from Islamic State militants to that of a nuclear-armed Iran.

The 28-second animation, uploaded to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official accounts on social networks, attempts to erase the distinction between the Sunni Muslim extremists of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and their sworn enemies, the Shiite Muslim clerics who rule the Islamic Republic of Iran. To that end, Iran is referred to not by its proper name but as “the Islamic State of Iran.”


Link to the article



Nurses Protest Over Unfair Pay

July 1, 2015
1 min read
Nurses Protest Over Unfair Pay