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Speaking of Iran

Israelis and Saudis Reveal Secret Talks to Thwart Iran

June 5, 2015
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Israelis and Saudis Reveal Secret Talks to Thwart Iran
Israelis and Saudis Reveal Secret Talks to Thwart Iran



Since the beginning of 2014, representatives from Israel and Saudi Arabia have had five secret meetings to discuss a common foe, Iran. On Thursday, the two countries came out of the closet by revealing this covert diplomacy at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington.

Among those who follow the Middle East closely, it's been an open secret that Israel and Saudi Arabia have a common interest in thwarting Iran. But until Thursday, actual diplomacy between the two was never officially acknowledged. Saudi Arabia still doesn't recognize Israel's right to exist. Israel has yet to accept a Saudi-initiated peace offer to create a Palestinian state.


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Society & Culture

Man is a Beast to Man: Human and Animal Rights in Iran

June 5, 2015
Roland Elliott Brown
6 min read
Man is a Beast to Man: Human and Animal Rights in Iran