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Speaking of Iran

Interview with Iranian Foreign Minister: 'We Will Have Differences with US No Matter What'

May 19, 2015
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Interview with Iranian Foreign Minister: 'We Will Have Differences with US No Matter What'
Interview with Iranian Foreign Minister: 'We Will Have Differences with US No Matter What'


In an interview with SPIEGEL, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif discusses his optimism that a deal will be reached over Tehran's nuclear program. But he warns this does not mean the country is seeking rapprochment with the West.

Mohammad Javad Zarif, 55, is relaxed and cheerful during an interview that takes place in his office in Tehran, telling jokes in perfect English. He studied political science in the United States before becoming Tehran's ambassador to the United Nations. Since 2013, he has served as foreign minister under President Hassan Rouhani. He recently negotiated the preliminary agreement in the country's nuclear dispute with the international community. He is well-liked by his Western negotiating partners and a star in his home country, where his autobiography is a best-seller. Some see a future president in the making, but he smiles and shrugs off the suggestion. "Domestic policy is not for me," he says.

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Society & Culture

“It’s like losing your sister”

May 18, 2015
Shima Shahrabi
5 min read
“It’s like losing your sister”