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Speaking of Iran

How to Save the Iran Deal

April 21, 2015
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
How to Save the Iran Deal
How to Save the Iran Deal



Should the framework understanding with Iran be finalized in a deal, its terms would give us high confidence that the Iranians would not become a nuclear weapons state for the next 15 years. Even after that, for 25 years, we would be in a good position to know if Iran was seeking to divert materials to a covert nuclear program given the framework’s provision for monitoring the whole supply chain — including the mining and milling of uranium, the conversion of yellow cake to UF-6 gas, its purification in centrifuges, centrifuge assembly and storage facilities, etc


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Speaking of Iran

Turkey’s Balancing Act between Iran and Saudi Arabia

April 21, 2015
Speaking of Iran
Turkey’s Balancing Act between Iran and Saudi Arabia