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Speaking of Iran

How Foreign-Policy Hawks Empowered Iran

March 10, 2015
Speaking of Iran
How Foreign-Policy Hawks Empowered Iran
How Foreign-Policy Hawks Empowered Iran




The Associated Press reported on Monday that Iraqis now consider Iran a more important ally against Sunni extremists from the Islamic State than the United States, and that as a result, "Tehran's influence in Iraq, already high since U.S. forces left at the end of 2011, has grown to an unprecedented level." The story quotes an Iraqi official who reports that Iran sold Iraq $10 billion worth of weapons over the last year. Says Iraqi lawmaker Mohammed al-Karbuly, "Iran now dominates Iraq."


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Guards Implicate Rouhani in Corruption Scandal

March 9, 2015
Reza HaghighatNejad
6 min read
Guards Implicate Rouhani in Corruption Scandal