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Speaking of Iran

The U.S.-Israel Divide on Iran

February 23, 2015
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
The U.S.-Israel Divide on Iran
The U.S.-Israel Divide on Iran




The controversy over Republican House Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress has had the ironic effect of diverting attention from the very topic the Israeli prime minister wants to discuss: the problems with a potential deal on the Iranian nuclear program. Although everyone debates the propriety of the Israeli prime minister challenging President Obama’s policy in such a setting, the partisan nature of the invitation and the timing of the speech — just two weeks before an Israeli election — the substance of the issue has been pushed aside. Why is there such a divide between the United States’ and Israel’s positions, and can they be bridged?


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Free the political prisoners

February 22, 2015
Mana Neyestani
Free the political prisoners