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Speaking of Iran

U.S. hard-liners missing point on Iran

October 10, 2014
Speaking of Iran
U.S. hard-liners missing point on Iran
U.S. hard-liners missing point on Iran



As the November 24 deadline for a deal over Iran's nuclear program approaches, Washington seems fixated on the technical details of what an agreement should look like: the types of centrifuges Iran might be able to keep, for example, or the level of low-enriched uranium it could stockpile. But as important as these discussions are, the focus on mechanics risks missing a bigger and arguably more important reality: that the negotiations are central to the future of Iran's political system.

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Speaking of Iran

Satellite images show 'damage consistent with an attack' at Parchin

October 10, 2014
Speaking of Iran
Satellite images show 'damage consistent with an attack' at Parchin