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Speaking of Iran

How to Win Sanctions and (Sometimes) Influence People

September 26, 2014
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
How to Win Sanctions and (Sometimes) Influence People
How to Win Sanctions and (Sometimes) Influence People




What do Russia, Donald Sterling and Boko Haram have in common? At some point in the last few weeks, they’ve all been nominated as targets for sanctions.

Of course, the sanctions the NBA is considering for Clippers Owner Don Sterling are different than the ones government officials are mulling for Russia and the Nigerian terrorist group that abducted more than 200 schoolgirls. But they all share a common characteristic: mixed motivations – and uncertain outcomes. Are we actually trying to change the behaviors of Vladimir Putin, Sterling and Boko Haram – or simply trying to send a message that we condemn their behavior? Will sanctions save the Nigerian school girls from being sold as sex slaves – or are they designed to weaken Boko Haram or deter other groups from such actions? Or are the sanctions designed to express moral outrage at egregious behaviors about which we can’t simply stay silent and not act? In other words, will sanctions in any of these cases “work” to alter or reform the target’s behavior...and is that even the point in all cases?

Link to the article


Society & Culture

Mohsen Amir Aslani, a prisoner of conscience, is executed

September 26, 2014
Mahrokh Gholamhosseinpour
3 min read
Mohsen Amir Aslani, a prisoner of conscience, is executed