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Speaking of Iran

U.S. Must Continue to Insist on Dismantlement

September 25, 2014
Speaking of Iran
U.S. Must Continue to Insist on Dismantlement
U.S. Must Continue to Insist on Dismantlement


The United States must insist that any final nuclear agreement with Iran include the dismantlement of centrifuges such that Tehran is left without a uranium path to a nuclear weapon. Alternative “creative” approaches – such as allowing Iran to disconnect the links between centrifuges – would provide inadequate insurance against an Iranian breakout. Congress must firmly demand that any agreement ensure Iran cannot achieve a nuclear weapons capability.

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A Moment of Reckoning, or Just Another Day at the Podium?

September 25, 2014
6 min read
A Moment of Reckoning, or Just Another Day at the Podium?