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Speaking of Iran

How the Iranian Media Distort that Country's Nuclear Lens

September 17, 2014
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
How the Iranian Media Distort that Country's Nuclear Lens
How the Iranian Media Distort that Country's Nuclear Lens



Few topics preoccupy Iranians more than the ongoing nuclear talks between their country and the P5+1 (the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, and Germany). The nuclear issue is on every single Iranian’s radar. This is not because they really care about the number of centrifuges spinning at Natanz, their country’s controversial enrichment plant. But the nuclear dossier has impacted every aspect of their lives. It has dictated Iran’s approach to foreign policy and governed domestic politics for over a decade. Yet most Iranians know very little about the nature of the nuclear program or its costs, benefits, and challenges.

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Combating Fashion, Iranian Style

September 17, 2014
Touka Neyestani
Combating Fashion, Iranian Style