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Speaking of Iran

Mohammad Javad Zarif: Iran is Committed to a Peaceful Nuclear Program

June 13, 2014
Speaking of Iran
Mohammad Javad Zarif: Iran is Committed to a Peaceful Nuclear Program
Mohammad Javad Zarif: Iran is Committed to a Peaceful Nuclear Program



The nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 powers have reached a critical stage. I am reasonably confident that by next month’s deadline, we can reach a comprehensive agreement that will assure the world that Iran’s nuclear program will remain exclusively peaceful. All that is required is a sober appreciation of the realities faced and a serious calculation of alternatives. Illusions have in the past led to missed opportunities and should not be allowed to ruin the real prospect of the historic deal before us.

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Speaking of Iran

Iraq Turmoil Has One Winner: The Kurds

June 13, 2014
Speaking of Iran
 Iraq Turmoil Has One Winner: The Kurds