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Speaking of Iran

Shah’s Son Seeks Support for People’s Revolution against Iran

June 9, 2014
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Shah’s Son Seeks Support for People’s Revolution against Iran
Shah’s Son Seeks Support for People’s Revolution against Iran



Reza Pahlavi’s life has been consumed by a single mission: ousting the Islamic regime that overthrew his father in Iran’s 1979 revolution and installed a theocracy. He was just 17 at the time, training to become a fighter pilot at a U.S. Air Force base in Texas. Since then, he has worked from exile in the West to agitate for secular democracy in Iran, a country he would have ruled by simple birthright as the eldest son of the Shah.

He says he has no desire to revive his claim to the Peacock Throne. Instead, Mr. Pahlavi hopes to dislodge Iran’s clerical regime by raising up to $1-billion from individuals and private companies outside of Iran that are sympathetic to his cause. He wants to funnel that money to anti-government activists inside Iran, to fund actions such as labour strikes and other forms of civil disobedience that he hopes will destabilize and eventually end the regime.

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Speaking of Iran

Turning History on its Head, Iran’s Supreme Leader Calls Israel a ‘Fabricated’ Nation

June 9, 2014
Speaking of Iran
Turning History on its Head, Iran’s Supreme Leader Calls Israel a ‘Fabricated’ Nation