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Speaking of Iran

Verification Measures for a Final Deal

June 4, 2014
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Verification Measures for a Final Deal
Verification Measures for a Final Deal



As the negotiations between the P5+1 and Iran intensify ahead of the July 20th deadline for a comprehensive agreement on limits to Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief, it is no surprise that talks have hit a rocky phase. The most recent round of political director-level talks held in May concluded with both sides speaking of “significant gaps” and encouraging “additional realism” from their respective negotiating partners. The next six weeks promise many more twists and turns, and we should not be surprised if the talks appear on the verge of collapse on multiple occasions – as we saw in the lead up to the November agreement on an interim accord.

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Speaking of Iran

A long term, comprehensive solution under the Joint Plan of Action needs to ensure IraFive Compromises to Avoid in a Comprehensive Agreement with Iran

June 4, 2014
Speaking of Iran
A long term, comprehensive solution under the Joint Plan of Action needs to ensure IraFive Compromises to Avoid in a Comprehensive Agreement with Iran