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Speaking of Iran

America and Iran: The Morning After a Nuclear Deal

May 27, 2014
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
America and Iran: The Morning After a Nuclear Deal
America and Iran: The Morning After a Nuclear Deal



Fast-forward to July 21: The Joint Plan of Action (JPA) between the so-called P5+1 and Iran has been replaced by the recently signed comprehensive agreement, negotiating an end to a dispute that has lasted a dozen years over Iran’s nuclear program. Now that this major international security concern has been resolved, what’s in store for U.S.-Iranian relations? Will the seeming thaw expand into greater strategic cooperation? Will we finally see that highly anticipated meet and greet between Presidents Obama and Rouhani at this year’s UN General Assembly? What has become apparent over the past few months is that there seems to be an appetite in the White House and in Tehran for testing the waters on whether cooperation on issues beyond the nuclear issue is possible. While presuming ongoing negotiations do not unravel, any meaningful relationship between the United States and Iran after a comprehensive agreement will undoubtedly depend on its successful implementation.

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Ghassem Soleimani Grieves With Family of Assad’s Cousin

May 23, 2014
Reza HaghighatNejad
1 min read
Ghassem Soleimani Grieves With Family of Assad’s Cousin