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Speaking of Iran

Essential Knowledge on Iran’s Program

April 22, 2014
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Essential Knowledge on Iran’s Program
Essential Knowledge on Iran’s Program

Iran Fact File is a project of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. The goal of this project is to provide up to date, fact based and objective information about Iran’s nuclear program, and the international negotiations working to address the challenge posed by Iran’s nuclear activities. Drawing on official sources, statements, and the expert analysis of the staff at CNS, Iran Fact File aims to be a go to source for reporters, government officials, experts and concerned citizens seeking information about this important national and international security issue. Just as important, the effort seeks to make complex, technical and politically-charged information easy to understand and accessible to the expert and layman alike.

Link to the site


Speaking of Iran

U.S. needs to plan for the day after an Iran deal

April 22, 2014
Speaking of Iran
U.S. needs to plan for the day after an Iran deal