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Speaking of Iran

Iran Seeks to Untangle UN Sanctions

April 11, 2014
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Iran Seeks to Untangle UN Sanctions
Iran Seeks to Untangle UN Sanctions



On April 9, Iran and the P5+1 (Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States, plus Germany) concluded the latest two-day round of talks on a nuclear deal, setting the next round for May 13. Earlier in the week, on April 7, Iranian media reported the appointment of Dr. Jamshid Momtaz as head of a "legal advisory group" to the Iranian negotiating team. A French-educated expert on sanctions, disarmament, and UN procedure, Momtaz has represented the Iranian government in some of its highest-profile international legal proceedings, including in claims against the U.S. government at the Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ). Momtaz's familiarity with the United Nations, his extensive practice in Europe, and his proven history of leveraging complex legal arguments to advance Iran's international interests indicate that in these latest rounds of P5+1 talks Tehran is likely looking for unconventional ways to "address" and "bring a satisfactory conclusion to" the UN Security Council resolutions against it, as called for in the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA) agreed to in Geneva last November.

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Speaking of Iran

Iran Proposes Arak Reactor Change to Cut Plutonium Output: Media

April 11, 2014
Speaking of Iran
Iran Proposes Arak Reactor Change to Cut Plutonium Output: Media