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Speaking of Iran

Iran Proposes Arak Reactor Change to Cut Plutonium Output: Media

April 11, 2014
Speaking of Iran
Iran Proposes Arak Reactor Change to Cut Plutonium Output: Media
Iran Proposes Arak Reactor Change to Cut Plutonium Output: Media



(Reuters) - Iran has made a proposal that would significantly lower plutonium production at a planned reactor, a senior Iranian official was quoted as saying, signalling flexibility on a key issue in talks to end the nuclear dispute with world powers.

The comment by Ali Akbar Salehi, head of Iran's atomic energy organisation, was the latest sign that a compromise may be possible over the Arak research reactor, which the West fears could yield weapons-usable material. Iran denies any such aim.

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Speaking of Iran

Iran: This Time, the West must not Turn its Back on Diplomacy

April 11, 2014
Speaking of Iran
Iran: This Time, the West must not Turn its Back on Diplomacy