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Speaking of Iran

The Iranian Charter of Citizens’ Rights

December 10, 2013
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
The Iranian Charter of Citizens’ Rights
The Iranian Charter of Citizens’ Rights



100 days into his presidency, Iranian President Hassan Rohani delivered a partial result on the nuclear issue (see EJIL:Talk! discussion by Dan Joyner)and released his draft Charter of Citizens’ Rights (henceforth ‘the Charter’) on 26 November 2013. Though the Presidential website offers content in 7 languages including English, the draft Charter has only been made available in Persian.

It is reported that the President consulted religious elites, experts, activists and academics within Iran with regard to this draft Charter, but not the Iranian judiciary. Academics, thinkers, universities and others have been asked to send their comments on the draft Charter to the legal deputy of the Iranian President within a month so that it can be revised and a final version released. So what feedback can one give the President’s office on the draft Charter? What does the Charter add and which rights does it guarantee? Does it fulfill the President’s aim (see here) that citizens’ rights make “all Iranians feel they are part of one nation, one identity, under one umbrella they can feel proud of”?

Link to the article


Speaking of Iran

Exclusive: Iran’s Foreign Minister Says Sanctions Would Kill Nuclear Deal

December 10, 2013
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Exclusive: Iran’s Foreign Minister Says Sanctions Would Kill Nuclear Deal