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Speaking of Iran

With Iran, Obama can end America’s long war for the Middle East

December 9, 2013
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
With Iran, Obama can end America’s long war for the Middle East
With Iran, Obama can end America’s long war for the Middle East



What Jimmy Carter began, Barack Obama is ending. Washington is bringing down the curtain on its 30-plus-year military effort to pull the Islamic world into conformity with American interests and expectations. It’s about time.

Back in 1980, when his promulgation of the Carter Doctrine launched that effort, Carter acted with only a vague understanding of what might follow. Yet circumstance — the overthrow of the shah in Iran, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan — compelled him to act. Or more accurately, the domestic political uproar triggered by those events compelled the president, facing a tough reelection campaign, to make a show of doing something. What ensued was the long-term militarization of U.S. policy throughout the region.

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Speaking of Iran

Iranian Embassy, shuttered for decades, was known for hedonistic, star-studded gatherings

December 9, 2013
Speaking of Iran
Iranian Embassy, shuttered for decades, was known for hedonistic, star-studded gatherings