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Speaking of Iran

Barack, Bibi and Iran

November 18, 2013
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Barack, Bibi and Iran
Barack, Bibi and Iran


A CRISIS is brewing in America’s relations with Israel. The American public—though strongly pro-Israel—seems either not to have noticed or not to care much.

In the coming days and months America and other world powers must decide whether a credible agreement can be reached to slow or halt Iran’s nuclear programme, in exchange for a lifting of crippling economic sanctions on the Islamic Republic. A final deal is months away at best. Israel has already launched a ferocious, pre-emptive verbal assault—aimed squarely at public opinion in America—after just two days of talks in Geneva about an interim agreement to slow Iran’s nuclear work for a few months, aimed at buying time for negotiations on a larger deal.

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Speaking of Iran

Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Arabia’s Gatsby, Master Spy

November 18, 2013
Speaking of Iran
Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Arabia’s Gatsby, Master Spy