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Speaking of Iran

What About US?

November 13, 2013
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
What About US?
What About US?



It goes without saying that the only near-term deal with Iran worth partially lifting sanctions for would be a deal that freezes all the key components of Iran’s nuclear weapons development program, and the only deal worth lifting all sanctions for is one that verifiably restricts Iran’s ability to breakout and build a nuclear bomb.

But there is something else that goes without saying, but still needs to be said loudly: We, America, are not just hired lawyers negotiating a deal for Israel and the Sunni Gulf Arabs, which they alone get the final say on. We, America, have our own interests in not only seeing Iran’s nuclear weapons capability curtailed, but in ending the 34-year-old Iran-U.S. cold war, which has harmed our interests and those of our Israeli and Arab friends

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Speaking of Iran

Iran Talks Face Resistance in U.S. Congress

November 13, 2013
Speaking of Iran
Iran Talks Face Resistance in U.S. Congress