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Speaking of Iran

30 Years of Terror Sponsored by Iran

October 24, 2013
Speaking of Iran
30 Years of Terror Sponsored by Iran
30 Years of Terror Sponsored by Iran



Thirty years ago today, on Oct. 23, 1983, a delivery van filled with 18,000 pounds of explosives slammed into the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut. Seconds later, another car bomb hit a French military building four miles away. A total of 241 American and 58 French soldiers lost their lives, all members of the Multi-National Forces in Lebanon.

The attack on the Marine barracks was not only the single-largest nonnuclear explosion since World War II, it was also the deadliest terrorist attack against Americans up to that time.

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Speaking of Iran

Adelson Says Obama Should Fire ‘Atomic Weapon’ at Iran, Not Negotiate

October 24, 2013
Speaking of Iran
Adelson Says Obama Should Fire ‘Atomic Weapon’ at Iran, Not Negotiate