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Speaking of Iran

Iranians Proffer Two-Step Plan To Defuse Nuke Crisis

October 18, 2013
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Iranians Proffer Two-Step Plan To Defuse Nuke Crisis
Iranians Proffer Two-Step Plan To Defuse Nuke Crisis



GENEVA: The Iranian plan to resolve their nuclear crisis proposes a framework for talks but still needs a lot of work, a source close to the talks here told Breaking Defense.

Iran’s plan presented today to the United States and five other world powers was designed to show Iran’s good will and to lay the groundwork for a breakthrough. It outlines time frames for Iran to meet international demands that it guarantee it does not seek nuclear weapons. The first is what could take place within three to six months. This would include Iran giving up 20 percent enrichment of uranium, which is closer to weapon-grade than uranium enriched for normal power reactor fuel, the source said in exclusive comments to Breaking Defense. During this stage Iran would also agree to provide more information, access and assurances about its work at a reactor being built at Arak. That reactor would be able to produce plutonium.

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Society & Culture

Rebel Ayatollah: You Shouldn't Make Money from Religion

October 18, 2013
Andisheh Azad
9 min read
Rebel Ayatollah: You Shouldn't Make Money from Religion