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Speaking of Iran

On Syria, Words Have Consequences

September 27, 2013
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
On Syria, Words Have Consequences
On Syria, Words Have Consequences



From the start of the Syrian ­conflict, President Obama has wanted to take two very different approaches to it. On the one hand, he has been disciplined about the definition of American interests and the use of force. On the other hand, he has sought a way to respond to Bashar Assad’s ­human-­rights atrocities. But sometimes you cannot split the difference. The tension between the two paths continues to beset American policy as the Administration prepares the ground for a military strike. Selling the U.S. and the world on the need for action while at the same time keeping its mission limited will prove difficult.

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Poking Holes in Iran's “Electronic Curtain”

September 27, 2013
Nima Rassooli
8 min read
Poking Holes in Iran's “Electronic Curtain”