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Speaking of Iran

Here's the Deal the U.S. and Iran Should Make Right Now

September 25, 2013
Speaking of Iran
Here's the Deal the U.S. and Iran Should Make Right Now
Here's the Deal the U.S. and Iran Should Make Right Now



When Hassan Rouhani, the new president of Iran, speaks at the United Nations General Assembly this week, the world will hold its breath.

Well, we should. Although there is understandable skepticism from various quarters, the available evidence strongly suggests that Rouhani is the real deal: a genuine reformer looking to change Iran inside and out. In particular, he clearly wants an end to the multilateral sanctions and is willing to compromise on Iran’s nuclear program to get it.

Link to the article



A New Game of Diplomatic Chess

September 24, 2013
Mana Neyestani
A New Game of Diplomatic Chess