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Speaking of Iran

Rohani Taps U.S.-Educated Minister to End Iran Sanctions

August 6, 2013
Speaking of Iran
Rohani Taps U.S.-Educated Minister to End Iran Sanctions
Rohani Taps U.S.-Educated Minister to End Iran Sanctions


Kambiz Foroohar

Hassan Rohani’s appointment of Mohammad Javad Zarif as his foreign minister suggests the new Iranian president would like to break the 34-year impasse between the Islamic Republic and the U.S.

Zarif, 53, a fluent English speaker who earned his doctorate at the University of Denver, is a former ambassador to the United Nations who has been involved in several secret negotiations between the U.S. and Iran over the past 20 years.

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Speaking of Iran

Iran's New President? I see Only an Old and Vicious Regime

August 6, 2013
Speaking of Iran
Iran's New President? I see Only an Old and Vicious Regime