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Speaking of Iran

Rouhani’s Inauguration: An Opening to Resolve the Iranian Nuclear Impasse

August 5, 2013
Speaking of Iran
Rouhani’s Inauguration: An Opening to Resolve the Iranian Nuclear Impasse
Rouhani’s Inauguration: An Opening to Resolve the Iranian Nuclear Impasse


Kelsey Davenport

Hassan Rouhani’s inauguration today as president of Iran offers an important new opening for the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States) to establish satisfactory controls over Iran’s controversial nuclear program. A regime-insider and former nuclear negotiator, Rouhani will likely have influence with Supreme Leader Khamenei that could enable him to cut a deal, if the P5+1 seizes the moment to reinvigorate negotiations.

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Zarif and The Return of "The New Yorkers"

August 4, 2013
Jahanshah Javid
3 min read
Zarif and The Return of "The New Yorkers"