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Speaking of Iran

Iran-Syria Religious Ties

June 4, 2013
Speaking of Iran
1 min read
Iran-Syria Religious Ties
Iran-Syria Religious Ties

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy 

Iran-Syria Religious Ties

Mehdi Khalaji

Iran Primer project, United States Institute of Peace June 3, 2013

Iran and Syria are unlikely bedfellows. Iran has been an Islamic republic—and the world’s only modern theocracy—since the 1979 revolution. Syria has been a rigidly secular and socialist country since Hafez Assad took over in 1970. Ethnically, Iran is predominantly Persian, while Syria is predominantly Arab. Yet Tehran and Damascus have one of the region’s strongest alliances—based in part on religion. Iran is Shiite-dominated and Syria is predominantly ruled by Alawites, a Shiite offshoot. They share a common interest in the survival of a minority in the Middle East, which is about 85 percent Sunni Muslim. 

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Hassan Rowhani: Greetings, Iran, Whose Face Is Dusty

June 3, 2013
Hassan Rowhani: Greetings, Iran, Whose Face Is Dusty