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Society & Culture

Nuclear Agreement & Economy Survey

July 3, 2015
1 min read
Nuclear Agreement & Economy Survey
Nuclear Agreement & Economy Survey

Most Iranians believe that the outcome of nuclear talks will have little or no impact on their lives, according to a survey conducted in early July.

The survey revealed that 68.3 percent of Iranian citizens polled are not hopeful about the outcome of the Vienna talks and its impact on the economy, and believe whatever economic benefits emerge will not be felt by ordinary Iranians.

But 26.2 percent did show optimism, agreeing that, with the infusion of foreign capital and the removal of obstacles to domestic production, Iran will witness economic growth and an improvement in the lives of Iranians.

Those surveyed were also asked to comment.“Nothing  out of the ordinary will happen,” one person who took part in the poll said. Iranian currency would not be affected, he or she said. “One dollar will still equal 2,800 tomans. The legendary amounts of Iranian blocked funds will be spent on funding neighboring terrorists, princes will again receive big loans and keep having fun. We — the ordinary ones — will continue to toil away just to stay alive.”

Another commented that money laundering would continue unabated, and predicted that the freed up economy might even make it worse.

Despite the media attention, it is clear that most Iranians assume that whatever goes on in Vienna is of no consequence to them. 



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July 3, 2015
2 min read
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