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Society & Culture

Podcast: What Happened to the Green Movement?

June 26, 2015
Podcast: What Happened to the Green Movement?
Podcast: What Happened to the Green Movement?

Six years ago, millions of Iranians filled the streets in spectacular protests that caught the whole world by surprise.

The protests began over claims that the incumbent president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, had stolen Iran’s 2009 election. 

But when protesters started challenging the very legitimacy of Iran’s political system, security forces cracked down hard.

So what happened to the Green Movement? This month, IranWire polled Iranians to find out.



Read the full transcript of the podcast here

Last week's podcast: Gay in Iran


Speaking of Iran

Five Myths About the Iran Deal

June 26, 2015
Speaking of Iran
Five Myths About the Iran Deal