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Society & Culture

Podcast: Ahmadinejad's Comeback Plans

April 24, 2015
Podcast: Ahmadinejad's Comeback Plans
Podcast: Ahmadinejad's Comeback Plans

This week, IranWire reported exclusively that Iran’s former president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is trying to get back into politics. Outsiders remember Ahmadinejad as the holocaust denier who loved to get on the mic at the United Nations. Most Iranians remember that he smashed their economy, along with human rights and diplomatic prospects. But after stealing the 2009 election with support from security forces, he also offended his conservative masters. Does Ahmadinejad have enough friends left to revive his political career? Roland Elliott Brown asks some Ahmadinejad-watchers.


Read the full transcript of the podcast here


Images of Iran

Armenians Observe 100th Anniversary of Genocide

April 24, 2015
Armenians Observe 100th Anniversary of Genocide