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Society & Culture

Charlie Hebdo on Shah and Khomeini

January 15, 2015
1 min read
Charlie Hebdo on Shah and Khomeini
Charlie Hebdo on Shah and Khomeini

Many Iranians became familiar with the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo last week, when terrorists Cherif and Said Kouachi stormed its headquarters and killed 12 of its employees on January 7. But the magazine has featured Iran in its pages for many decades, and even published caricatures of two of the country’s most influential leaders, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, and Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Website Mohammad Mosadegh, which was set up in dedication to Iran's prime minister who was toppled by a CIA-backed coup in 1953, collected every Iran-related cartoon published in Charlie Hebdo and published them, as seen below:


Charlie Hebdo on Shah and Khomeini

Date published: 18 Oct. 1971

Footnote: “It was good of you to come,” the Shah tells the King of the Idiots.

Cartoonist: Georges Wolinski, 80, killed in terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo office on January 7.


Charlie Hebdo on Shah and Khomeini

Date published: 6 Jan. 1975

Footnotes: Entitled, “Shah of Iran: Bloody Excrement” with quotation saying “If Charlie Hebdo isn’t shut down, all trade between Iran and France will come to an end.”

Cartoonist: Georges Wolinski


Charlie Hebdo on Shah and Khomeini

Date published: 21 Nov. 1979 

Footnote: “Iran constipated; Shah shuts oil pipelines.”

Cartoonist: Jean-Marc Reiser  – Born in France and died in 1983 aged 42.


Charlie Hebdo on Shah and Khomeini

Date published: 5 Dec. 1979

Footnote: Entitled,” The Shah plants a tree” with quote reading, “In 20 years time, I’ll have cherries!”

Cartoonist: Jean Cabut – French caricaturist killed in Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack on January 7.


Charlie Hebdo on Shah and Khomeini

Date published: 19 Dec. 1979

Footnote: Father Christmas woefully carries an armed mullah, most likely Ayatollah Khomeini, whilst saying,” I have a gift for the Shah.”

Cartoonist: Jean-Marc Reiser 


Charlie Hebdo on Shah and Khomeini

Date published: 24 Sept. 1980

Footnote: “Iran-Iraq, are we going to just sit and watch?” A French man watching the news responds ”Oh yes. Oh yes.”

Cartoonist: Jean-Marc Reiser 


Charlie Hebdo on Shah and Khomeini

Date published: 14 Nov. 1979

Footnote: Ayatollah Khomeini featured saying, “If I cause a World War, I’ll shave my beard.”

Cartoonist: Jean-Marc Reiser 


Read the original article in Persian



Society & Culture

Amir Hekmati’s Letter to President Hassan Rouhani

January 15, 2015
8 min read
Amir Hekmati’s Letter to President Hassan Rouhani