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Society & Culture

An Almighty Autumn in Ilam

December 10, 2014
IranWire Citizen Journalist
2 min read
An Almighty Autumn in Ilam
An Almighty Autumn in Ilam
An Almighty Autumn in Ilam
An Almighty Autumn in Ilam
An Almighty Autumn in Ilam
An Almighty Autumn in Ilam
An Almighty Autumn in Ilam
An Almighty Autumn in Ilam
An Almighty Autumn in Ilam

The following piece was written by an Iranian citizen journalist on the ground inside the country, who writes under a pseudonym to protect his identity.


Autumn — a time when leaves of all different shades and colors begin to fall from the trees — is something we all hold dear to our hearts. It is a season that stirs memories of enchanting, rust-colored landscapes and the unmistakable sound of dried leaves crunching under one’s feet. When the colors of autumn are in full swing, we each enjoy it in our own separate ways. Some consider it a season for finding love and for others it is a time of excitement and art. Some of us choose to be creative, perhaps through painting, photography, writing poetry or music, while others simply want to enjoy this special time of year by reminiscing about loved ones or going on long walks.

Life’s simple pleasures – like the beauty and charms of autumn — should be every citizen’s right.

This was the rationale behind Ilam City Government when it announced that a number of the city’s streets would remain unswept “until further notice” so  that the local people could revel in the splendors of autumn and the leaves that carpeted its streets and sidewalks.

Citizens warmly welcomed the decision and praised the government for publishing images of autumn and all its marvels on social media.

Ilam, a picturesque and mountainous town in western Iran, is rich in history. Some of its streets are among the country’s oldest. Many are lined with giant, ancient plane trees that shower the ground with golden leaves when autumn gets under way.

Often big and expensive projects bring small and short-lasting joy. But, in Ilam, a small project has given vast amounts of happiness to many of its people and for this they are very grateful.


Kurosh Kian, Citizen-Journalist, Ilam



No to Discrimination

December 10, 2014
Shahrokh Heidari
No to Discrimination