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Society & Culture

Kill the Motherfucker!

February 10, 2014
anonymous IranWire contributor
1 min read

I was 12 when my father forced me to go watch the execution of a man who had killed his brother. The moment marked the end of my childhood, and perhaps the end of my father’s humanity. I’ll never forget witnessing  the man’s suffering before my eyes, the crowd’s fervor, and the cries of my father, shouting “kill the motherfucker!”  A short while later my father became addicted to opium. He died two years later. In reality, he committed suicide. And I...I think ahead to my final days, and that cry, “kill the motherfucker!”

The Social Trauma of Death as Spectacle

Why Would You Attend a Hanging?

Iran's Death-Row for Children

Stop Executing Children                                                                                    

Morning Circus

And Along Came a Spider

Put Death Penalty to a Referendum: an Interview with Emadeddin Baghi

"Since I resigned, I sleep better.”

The Value of Human Life: An Interview With Mohammad Mostafaei

The Most Disadvantaged Groups at Risk of Execution

Mohammad Mostafaei’s 10 Steps For Abolishing The Death Penalty



Open for Business? France Looks to Tehran

February 10, 2014
Adeline Brisset
6 min read
Open for Business? France Looks to Tehran